Is this a New World Order in the making?

Many victims on the web believe the US government or US military is responsible for their torture. Due to the composition of these groups, it is fairly easy for them to project a US Government façade. Any mercenary or traitor with ties to a current or former agency can easily convince that agency to stage a law enforcement exercise along the route of someone they are torturing. I communicated with one victim who blames the Israeli intelligence for his torture that has been ongoing for over 2 decades. One victim listed on his website the name and badge number of an FBI agent supposedly working for that agency's special investigative division (SID). I do not know the circumstances in which that information was revealed. It could be as accurate as it could also be misleading. I would be very leery at the veracity of any information provided by a tormentor unless it can be proven having originated at that agency. In what circumstance would the FBI reveal to a victim or alleged suspect that he/she is the subject of a special investigation? I do not know, but a mercenary or a US Government employee (a traitor), on the payroll of the DGSE or any other foreign intelligence agency, could have staged the whole encounter or any law enforcement exercise. This way all responsibilities would diverge from the culpable parties to a US entity. Victims would obviously think that they are the subject of a legitimate US Government operation or investigation. 

In my case, I am absolutely certain the French intelligence agency (DGSE) is responsible for my torture. I also believe that the DGSE is more than likely receiving financial support from the Algerian Intelligence Service in order to carry out this torture campaign on me.  Nevertheless, I do not have all the answers and have been nursing a litany of questions to which I have few answers. Albeit speculative, in an attempt to comprehend what has been going on, I am sharing these questions with those who might have a dog in this fight:

1. Is this really the prelude to establishing a New World order? Are we seeing the implementation of a global dictatorship?

2. Is the DGSE also the responsible party for the ordeal of the other American victims? What about the reported victims from other parts of the globe?

3. Under the smog of gang stalking, is the DGSE targeting suspected US intelligence agents in an effort to incapacitate, discredit, and or eliminate them?

4. Although I believe the DGSE is responsible for continuously trying to murder me with electromagnetic radiations, does this mean the US Government is not involved at all in my situation? That remains to be seen, because I am still puzzled at helicopters that fly directly over the White House (a restricted or no fly zone air space) to drop chemicals on me.

5. What agency sanctioned the use of these helicopters that flew directly over the White House to drop chemicals on me? Is it a US Government agency?

6. If it is a US Government agency, does this mean a rogue US government agency is trying to silence me? Having read the story of Frank Olson LSD and MKULTRA, I will not take anything or anyone for granted.

7. If it is not the U.S. government what entity sanctioned the helicopters that flew over the White House to drop chemicals on me? Were they sanctioned by the DGSE? If so, is the DGSE so well wired in this country to the extent of having access and authority to use the white house airspace literally one minute before the US President Helicopters land?

8. If the French Intelligence Agency is financing or directly running all these torture experiments on Americans, what is the DGSE’s agenda and ultimate goal?

9. Is this a payback (tit-for-tat) operation? Could this be the French retaliating for some sinister operations conducted by a US agency on French soil and citizens? Check this article in the United Kingdom newspaper Telegraph: French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment. Does this mean we are all caught in the middle of a trans-Atlantic intelligence war?

10. Was this a US government operation that was compromised and the DGSE has been operating in the shadows of US government’s operations? Based on victims reporting, there is always an attempt to make it appear as if a US government agency might be responsible for the torture campaign.

11. Is it possible that a tool of our homeland security early warning systems has been hijacked by the DGSE that is using it to torture and kill Americans?

12. Unlimited Intelligence budget or not, sustaining these operations over 2 decades or longer requires a lot of money. What other countries, if any, are contributing to the French’s escapade?

13. What is the US Government true involvement in all of this?

14. Who has the authority to fly directly over the White House? What helicopter would be flying directly over the White House without a federal government or law enforcement affiliation?

15. Where is the oversight the American public expects from Congress?

16. What other country / countries or powerful group is really financing these expensive sinister ventures?

17. If this is ongoing across the globe, could it be a conspiracy of the industrialized nations’ intelligence agencies with a sinister agenda?

18. How does the DGSE select its victims? Are they selected at random or are they inadvertent witnesses of the DGSE’s escapades in this country?

19. Could it be a conspiracy of a small group of nations getting ready for something much more evil?

20. Is this the conspiracy of a very powerful group of nations that may or may not include the United States?

21. Is the ground being prepared for the full implementation of this technology in order to enforce a New World order?

22. Is the US government playing the good shepherd? What other governments are playing good shepherds?

1 comment:

  1. They tried to block this post. So this is an other attempt to make it available.
